
Freedom in 3 Easy Steps – Book Your Appoinment Now.

When making a decision on undergoing therapy sessions, it can be daunting and actually make you feel nervous or anxious.

At Control and Change we have put together a three step approach to make this process as easy and calm as possible.

1 - A free telephone or zoom call to speak to Paul in person, find out if this is for you and how it works.

2 - A consultation to find out more, confirm its effectiveness for you and actually plan solutions.
This allows Paul to put together a personal targeted plan for you.

3 - Begin a set of five unique sessions specifically designed for you. Take back control, remove your current anxiety or fears, whilst monitoring and adapting the plan around you.

Every individual is different but usually if you have not had any type of therapy or hypnotherapy before, Paul would recommend a course of five sessions after your initial consultation. This will enable him to teach you a variety of techniques which will empower you to manage your own thoughts, feelings and behaviour even when you are no longer working with me.

During the current economic climate, sessions can also be completed on a pay as you go basis.

A lady booking a chat about hypnotherapy on her mobile phone

First Step Chat

A free telephone or zoom call. Your opportunity to ask those important questions that have been bothering you. 

✔️ Why am I feeling and behaving like this?

✔️ Can these techniques help me?

✔️ How does it work & what is it all about?

✔️ How long will it take to feel better?

✔️ Can I ask some other questions?

A pen pad and laptop for notes in your initial consultation

Initial Consultation

An hour long face to face or zoom consultation. Find out more about hypnotherapy and how it can help you.

✔️ Why you react to thoughts & emotions.

✔️ Learn about the subconscious mind.

✔️ Confirm it is effective for you.

✔️ Time to be heard in a confidential space.

✔️ Plan actual solutions.

two hypnotherapy chairs for tailored sessions for you

A programme tailored to you

A set of sessions specifically targeted for you either face to face or in the comfort of your own home online with zoom.

✔️ Manage stressful situations.

✔️ Remove blocks to your success.

✔️ Rebuild self confidence & believe in you.

✔️ Take control of your life.

✔️ Changes monitored & adapted for you.